Your puppy will love the taste of HILL’S SCIENCE PLAN Puppy food with Chicken, with its soft, smooth texture. It has the perfect balance of taste and nutrition for your dog. Precisely balanced to deliver the appropriate amount of energy to support ideal body weight in puppies
High quality protein and thoughtfully sourced ingredients.
COMPOSITION: Chicken, maize, barley, soybean meal, pork liver, minerals, fish oil.
Nutrient Dry Matter1%
Protein 27.8
Fat 22.2
Carbohydrate / NFE 40.4
Crude Fiber 1.7
Ash 7.9
Calcium 1.46
Phosphorous 1.02
Potassium 0.87
Sodium 0.48
Magnesium 0.140
Vitamin A 20728 IU/kg
Vitamin C 117 ppm
Vitamin D 1932 IU/kg
Vitamin E 915 IU/kg
Total Omega-3 FA 0.62
Total Omega-6 FA 5.11
Beta-Carotene 2.80 ppm
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