N&D Wet Dog Food in Sharjah

Farmina N&D wet dog food is a premium dog food in Sharjah, that is made with natural and delicious ingredients. It is gently steamed to preserve the nutritional value and flavor of the fresh cuts of meat, fish and fruits from Europe. This line is high in animal proteins and fats, perfect for dogs that need a high-energy diet. It contains chicken, lamb, duck, quail, herring, or venison as the main protein source, along with pumpkin or apple as the main fruit source. If you are looking for a natural and delicious wet dog food that is good for your dog’s health and well-being, you should try Farmina N&D wet dog food. It is a carnivore nutrition that is gently steamed to perfection. Shop now and get free shipping in Sharjah, Dubai, and all over UAE. Visit Wet Dog Food Category.

N&D Dry Dog Food

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